Tuesday, April 2, 2013

문법 Korean Grammar in Use Intermediate 1

1)-(으)ㄴ/는 모양이다 -> Used when attempting to infer or guess the circumstances of a particular situation after directly seeing it or hearing about it.
예) 등산복을 입은 걸 보니까 산에 가는 모양이에요.

2) (ㅡ)ㄹ 텐데 -> expresses an expected or intended future state of affairs
예) 바람이 불면 추울 텐데 따뜻하게 입고 가는 게 좋겠어요

3) (ㅡ)ㄹ 테니까 -> The second clause contains the speaker's suggestions or advice while the first clause provides the reason for the advice
예) 요즘 딸기 철이라 딸기가 싸고 맛있을 테니까 딸기를 사 가요

4) (ㅡ)ㄹ지도 모르다 -> might, could
예) 장마철에는 갑자기 비가 올지도 몰라요

5) ~기는 (하)지만 -> speaker recognizes or acknowledges the content of the first clause, but want to express a different view or stance in the following clause
예) 이 음식을 먹기는 하겠지만 많이 먹지는 않을 거예요

6) ~(으)ㄴ/는 반면에 -> the expressions is used to express the fact that two things are opposites. It can also be used to state both the positive and negative characteristics of something together in the same sentence
예) 저는 운동을 잘하는 반면에 공부는 못해요

7) ~(으)ㄴ/는데도 -> despite, the expression is used to introduce a clause that indicates an opposite or an unexpected state of affairs when compared to the information given in the preceding clause
예) 어제 푹 잤는데도 오늘 많이 피곤하네요

8) ~거든요 -> This expression is used to respond to a question or to add to a statement the speaker has already made to provide the reason or thinking behind the answer or statement. The listener has no knowledge of the reason or facts being stated by the speaker. 
예) 오늘 왜 그렇게 피곤해 보여요?
어제 영화를 보느라고 잠을 못 잤거든요.

9) ~느라(고) -> This expression indicates that the statement given in the preceding clause is the reason for, or cause of, the following case. Most of the times, the following clause is negative in nature.
예) 가: 자야 씨, 왜 숙제를 안 했어요?
나: 어젯밤에 축구를 보느라고 숙제를 못했어요.

10) ~는 바람에 -> This expression is used when the preceding clause describes the cause or reason for the statement in the following clause.
예) 태풍이 오는 바람에 비행기가 취소됐어요

11) ~(으)ㄴ/는 탓에 -> The preceding clause is the cause or reason why the negative event described in the following clause occured.
예)  어제 술을 많이 마신 탓에 오늘 아침에 머리가 아팠어요

12)~고 해서 -> the speaker uses this phrase to state the primary reason for doing the action in the following clause, while also indicating that there are other reasons
예) 피곤하고 해서 약속을 취소했습니다

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