Sunday, April 28, 2013

일일단어 CLS Season 14 Class 5

1) 항의-> a complaint, protest
2) 다짐하다-> to promise, pledge, vow, swear
3) 쫓아내다-> to kick sb out
4) 영구-> permanent
5) 출입금지-> off limits
6) 흙-> earth;soil;the ground
7) 두드리다-> to knock (on a door)
8) 거덜나다-> to go broke, bankrupt
9) 예방하다-> to protect, prevent, fend off
10) 법원-> Court of justice
11) 도장-> seal, stamp
12) 마침내- finally, at last
13) 출두하다-> to appear (court)
14) 다툼-> a quarrel, argument, fight
15) 초인종-> doorbell
16) 천장-> the ceiling
17) 원인-> a cause
18) 직접-> in person, directly, by oneself, with one's own hand
19) 분쟁-> dispute, conflict, trouble
20) 갈등을 빚다-> come into conflict (with)
21) 방화-> arson
22) 층간소음-> noise between floors
23) 수열-> progression, sequence (of numbers), series
24) 혈관-> blood vessel
25) 헌혈-> blood donation
26) 유산소운동-> aerobic exercise
27) 부패-> rot, decompose, decay, spoil
28) 수동-> manual
29) 불구경하다-> to look and observe but not help
30) 도덕-> ethics, morals, morality
31) 비도덕-> unethical, immoral

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