Monday, December 10, 2012

박근혜 문재인 주요 정책 비교 번역


 친구가 영어로 박근혜와 문재인 정책 비교한 것 찾고 있었지만 영어로는 못 구하였습니다. 그래서 한국어로 된 비교된 것을 찾았고 번역하였습니다. 너무 어려워서 번역이 틀린 것이 있다면 미안하게 생각합니다.

Park Geun Hye
Mun Jae In
Developing Economics in a
Democratic Manner
-Restraint in the new financial cycle.
-Allow chaebols to create more sub-companies.
-Allow strong relationships between banks and chaebols.  
-Re-structure how chaebol’s transmit power. (Against hereditary transfer)
-Restrict the number of sub-companies created by chaebols.
-Reduce the connections between banks and chaebols.
Public Welfare Policy
-Government provided personal welfare systems.
-Free childcare, free high school
-Free and compulsory education
-Allowing the elderly to work with a lower tax rate
-Free school lunch, free childcare
-Free healthcare
-Half price university fees.
-Expansion of public and private childcare facilities.
Welfare Funds Preparation
-Increase in income for irregular workers (or change them to regular workers)
-Without a sudden increase in taxes, ensure a source of revenue for welfare funds.
-Withdrawal of tax reductions for the rich
-Introduce the highest corporate tax for big industries.
-Increased tax on the super wealthy
Education Policy
-Maintain the current university system.
-Develop an education that fits human nature (allowing students to focus more on their goals and dreams)
-Introduce a combined public and private university network.

-Blind university admissions (dismantling of alumni systems)
North / South Policy
-Change through conversation.
-The possibility of Kim Jong-Un meeting with the National Defense Committee chairman.
-Continue the Sunshine Policy of ten years under President Kim Dae Jung and Roo Moo-hyun
-Conclude a comprehensive economic cooperation agreement with the North.
-Hold a summit conference for separated families to meet.

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